“Tony had a way of making a story so convincing you could almost see it in front of you.”
Steve Grund
During the week of February 15, 1969, while the Barnstable County Medical Examiner tried in vain to identify the remains of the young woman found in the Truro woods on February 8th, teams of police and cadaver dogs continued to search the Truro woods. In the winter quiet, an occasional State Police helicopter could be heard overhead. And the year round residents in a usually slumbering Provincetown were wide awake, and gossiping.
When Tony was in town he often dropped in at the Provincetown police station unannounced and demanded to see detectives assigned to the case telling one incredible, ever changing story after another. In one such incident, he left the precinct in a huff after shaking his finger in the face of State Police Detective George Killen. “You’ll hear from my attorney,” he said as he stormed out into the raw February air. Finally, tired of his bizarre antics, obvious lies, strange affect and differing stories, Detective George Killen told Tony he was in serious trouble and to get a lawyer.

Love the Emily Dickinson quote and can’t wait to read this book!