One of the most rewarding, if not fun, aspects of having your book actually published, actually out in the world (as opposed to forever languishing on your desktop) is to hear from your readers. You know what you think of your book, but strangers? Random word junkies who just happen to find your book on a shelf and who take the time to share their thoughts? It’s magical, even the harsh reviews—the fact that someone cared enough about your brainchild to craft a reaction—means more than I can say. With The Babysitter, it’s been a particularly exciting and illuminating year since its publication in March of 2021. Liza and I have heard from an incredibly wide gamut of readers—from those who suffered similar childhoods, to True Crime fans who are struck by the unique two-voice narrative, and how it allowed them to both loathe and yet better understand a serial killer.

So, dear readers, please keep the comments coming. We appreciate every single word and thank you for caring enough to share them.

—Jennifer Jordan and Liza Rodman, March 2, 2022